Y Pwyllgor Cyfrifon Cyhoeddus / Public Accounts Committee

PAC(5)-07-17 PTN1

Public Accounts Committee

PAC(5)-07-17 27 February 2017

Inquiry into the Regulatory Oversight of Housing Associations


Amendment to evidence from Jim McKirdle, Welsh Local Government Association


On 16 January 2017, Jim McKirdle gave evidence on behalf of WLGA to the Public Accounts Committee as part of their inquiry into the regulatory oversight of housing associations. During the session I indicated that my understanding was that the Tenants Advisory Panel (TAP) would continue to be the conduit for the tenant voice to RBW. Subsequent to my testimony, I have been informed that TPAS will in future provide the tenant insight to RBW that has in the past been done by TAP.


Jim McKirdle

20 January 2017